Starting a child early with learning a second language is proving to offer great benefits to children’s lifelong learning.
Hola Amigos’ Pre Kinder Programs for children aged 2-4 provide a safe, friendly environment to learn and support children’s natural curiosity about the world around them.
Benefits of the program include:
- Exposure to a Second Language and instilling a love for learning languages
- Laying strong foundations for language in both their native language and the new one
- Opportunities to express themselves and try something different
- Confidence building
- Learning through play and movement
There is no better way of understanding these interactive, highly engaging and effective language classes other than by experiencing them yourselves.
Book in for a FREE session at your centre – there really is no other way!
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes for pre kinder groups are designed to follow the developmental stages of the age group. Children at this age are beginning to form and develop language. This is a PRIME TIME for the brain where neurons form new connections at the rate of 700-1000 per second, these early synaptic connections form the basis of a person’s life long capacity to learn and to adapt to change. Research now backs up the knowledge that acquiring a second or third language at this age will NOT hinder or delay the child in developing their first language but rather enhance it and strengthen the brain for learning in general.
The learning outcomes for centres that run a full year are divided into four blocks of ten weeks each. There is a rest period of two weeks between each block. The deliberate rest period is to allow children to rest from learning and let the brain absorb what has been learnt. It also helps the child not to lose interest.
*Shorter blocks to suit each centres needs are also available and centres can choose how many blocks they would like per a year.
To view the full curriculum please click here.

“The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people”