Our Hola Amigos programs for kids have been developed as a fun, interactive way of learning the Spanish language and experiencing South American culture.
The programs are based on the understanding of the many benefits of learning a second language during the early years of childhood, and the knowledge that children learn best through play and fun. They are carefully tailored according to age groups, have set outcomes and are sensitive to children’s interests and abilities.
By mixing up music, dance, games, stories, puppets, craft and creative play, classes are alway fresh and fully engage children in their learning. The Hola Amigos Spanish classes are always full of laughter and smiles.
Hola Amigos programs are available to centres within these Victorian local council areas:
- City of Knox
- City of Casey
- Shire of Cardinia
- Shire of Yarra Ranges
The following Centres are currently running the program as part of their curriculum.
- Creative Gardens Early Learning Centre – Pakenham
- Community Kids Early Learning Centre- Berwick
- Kinder Haven Early Learning Centre – Wantirna South
- Bambinos Early Learning Centre – Cranbourne
- Emerald 3 year old Play – Emerald Community House – Emerald
- Monbulk Pre-School – Monbulk
- Hubbub – Mum’s Gap Year non for profit organisation – Emerald

“A different language is a different vision of life”
F. Fellini

Benefits for our Children
- Children benefit from a cultural program integrated into their curriculum.
- Children interact with a person and a culture other than their own.
- Children become equipped to contribute to the global community.
- It is during these years that children form their main learning pathways in the brain.
- The child’s brain is stimulated through learning a second language, which helps strengthen problem solving, puzzles, understanding greater concepts, reading, writing and mathematics.
- A seond language promotes better language development in the child’s first language.
- Children learn to share their own languages and culture and embrace that of others. boosting their confidence, sense of identity and self esteem.
- The feeling of accomplishment that comes with their first steps towards a second language can spur on a deeper and broader passion for learning in general.

“Educators who are culturally competent respect multiple cultural ways of knowing, seeing and living, celebrate the benefits of diversity and have an ability to undertand and honour difference.”
(Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations – DEEWR 2009)

Benefits for your Centre
Offering an Hola Amigos Spanish Program within your Centre makes it easy to include cultural competence, movement, music and overall fun into your curriculum.
- Becoming culturally competent is a clear expectation of the National Quality Frameworks.
- By knowing more about and respecting our varied cultural ways of being, we create services that welcome everyone.
- We assist children to learn and grow in the five learning outcomes of the EYLF and to become citizens of the future.
- We equip all children to embrace diversity, acknowledging that cultural competence is larger than just ethnicity, customs or food. It underlies how we understand the world, and how it shapes our beliefs.