We are so happy to be able to provide you with an alternative that is very rare, and is different to any other language program offered to Early Childhood programs in Victoria.
Global Kids as an enterprise has an “intercultural” approach to teaching a second language. This means that we recognise that to understand another culture you first must understand your own, including your own personal biases and prejudices, as uncomfortable as they may be. The second step is to look at the new culture that you are now encountering with the aim of becoming familiar with it and soon understanding it –not in its entirety but enough to know how to have a relationship. Once this occurs together, you form a new culture – a common space where you have mutual agreements on how to treat and respect each other.
This is what it looks like from a practical view point… every time a Global Kids educator enters your Centre we practice this same approach by forming an understanding of how your centre works/operates (i.e. its own unique culture) and together with our culture as Global Kids, we create a new space for your Centre that is one of respect and of a commun understanding of WHY we are coming together and HOW we will work together – this is our common space.
Every time we (Global Kids) connect with your children, we do it with the same approach. We endeavour to understand the child and discover their ways of learning. They in return get to know the facilitator and her teaching style, apart from getting a “felt sense” for her and her unique cultural background. Together they create a new relationship that enhances both sides on many levels, not just academically.
In essence the “intercultural” approach to learning languages is what the National Quality Standards and the EYLF (Early Years Learning Frameworks) require from each individual educator and from each Early Childhood service provider. This is commonly known in our sector as CULTURAL COMPETENCE.
Our greatest accomplishment is that we are real people from diverse backgrounds who desire to share our cultures, our languages and our stories, in order to give children as much exposure to diversity as possible. We understand that the access point is through teaching them a second language. This is a gift that will see them thrive in their future GLOBAL societies with amazing flexibility in their understanding of diversity, and greater acceptance of it.
We embrace the cultural diversity of this country and aim to empower our bilingual educators to become language specialists in their own Centre as a way of offering many more languages and cultures to children around Australia.
Note: Global Kids intercultural education is currently running one language program called the HOLA AMIGOS Spanish program. Our vision is to provide other languages and cultures by training bilingual educators who are already working in Centres or for people who are studying their Diploma in our program. Please contact Pilar if you are interested.